1. What is the MCP Member Presale?
    • The MCP Member Presale is a ticket presale period specialized for MCP Member 2023.
  2. Who can join the MCP Member Presale?
    • Only MCP Members who are registered to MCP Membership 2023.
  3. How to join the MCP Member Presale?
    • Sign up at the MCP Membership 2023 through
  4. After registering through MCP Membership, what should I do?
    • Presale ticket sales will take place via the MCP MEMBER TICKETING LINK which will be uploaded on Mecimapro social media as per the scheduled date.
  5. Will there be another chance to purchase the ticket other than during the MCP Member Presale?
    • Yes there will be a general sales through and Each ticketing outlets will have its own ticket quota.
  6. Any specific requirements for PINK SOUNDCHECK PACKAGE ticket purchase?
    • Specifically for PINK SOUNDCHECK PACKAGE, it is a must to input the name of the MCP Membership 2023 owner. The ticket and its benefit can only be used by the ticket owner (name registered at MCP Membership 2023).
    • The promoter reserves the right to deny your ticket redemption and cancel your ticket order if any data discrepancies are found.
  7. If I enter the wrong NIK (ID Card / KTP number), is it necessary to use a power of attorney when I go to the location?
    • No need, just show your valid original ID card when redeeming the tickets.
  8. Can I transfer the tickets that I have purchased (example: bought under my name but used by my friend)?
    • Tickets are non-transferable especially for the PINK SOUNDCHECK category (must be used by MCP Membership 2023 owner).
  9. If the audience is required to have received the booster vaccine, do those who have just received the second vaccine have to bring a negative antigen test result?
    • Following government regulations, audiences aged 18 years and over must have received the booster vaccines. Meanwhile, audiences under the age of 18 must have been vaccinated twice (2 times). This provision cannot be replaced by a negative antigen test result.
  10. Is there an age limit? If I am under 17 years old and do not have an ID card (KTP), what are the conditions?
    • Age limit is applicable for the purchase of GRAY (TIER 3) category as per announced seat map, there is no age limit for other category. We recommend that underage viewers be accompanied by an adult.
  11. If I have MCP Membership 2023, can I buy 2 (two) tickets during the MCP Member Presale period?
    • You are allowed to purchase 2 (two) tickets. Make sure you use your name registered with MCP Membership 2023 when making a purchase.
    • ID checking will be carried out when exchanging tickets.


  1. When is the General Sales through
    • The general sales through will be carried out on 26 September 2023 starting at 3PM.
  2. Jenis kategori tiket apa saja yang tersedia melalui
    • Other than PINK SOUNDCHECK, all other categories are available in
  3. To purchase at, 1 account can purchase how many tickets?
    • You can buy 4 tickets on 1 account.
  4. What are the payment method can be used?
    • provides many payment platforms to make it easier for you to make transactions, including: Credit Card & Debit Card, ATM, Online Transfer, Virtual Account, Instant Payment, E-wallet, Retail Outlets and Pay later / No Card Instalment.
    • Payment deadline after ordering is ± 15 minutes.
  5. Can I refund my ticket?
    • You need to know that the event ticket that you bought is non-refundable. If there are special conditions such as the event being cancelled by the promoter, then you will get a notification from to request a refund. Refunds will be given in the form of a Blipay balance or following the payment method that you used when ordering.
    • To refund your order with currency Non-IDR will be refund according to the currency used when ordering.
  6. Can I change the type of the ticket?
    • Unfortunately changing the type of ticket category into another type, reschedule, and change the ticket’s order name into other name are not permitted. Please check carefully when choosing the type of ticket category in your order.
  7. What the procedure if I am unable to attend to redeem my tickets?
    1. If you are unable to attend to redeem the tickets you ordered, please note that redemption depends on the policies of event organizer. Please check the terms and conditions of the Event product that you ordered.
  8. How long the deadline to redeem the ticket?
    • The deadline for redeeming your Event ticket can be seen during the order process or in the e-ticket that you have received on the Your Orders menu.
  9. Can the ticket be rescheduled?
    • Most of our event products are not reschedulable. If you cannot arrive according to the time specified for the e-ticket exchange, please inform 24-hour Customer Care by 1 ✕ 24 hours before the visit time at the latest.


  1. When is the general sales through MECIMASHOP?
    • The general sales through MECIMASHOP will be carried out on 26 September 2023 starting from 1PM.
  2. Is PINK SOUNDCHECK PACKAGE category available via Mecimashop?
    • No, tickets for the PINK SOUNDCHECK PACKAGE category can only be purchased through Presale Members.
  3. How many tickets can be purchased via Mecimashop?
    • For purchases at Mecimashop, 1x transaction for 1 ticket.
  4. Is refund possible for purchases made through Mecimashop?
    • No, it is not possible. MECIMASHOP does not provide any refund.
  5. If my order is in processing status, what should I do?
    • Your order has been confirmed and you can wait for the ticket exchange date which we will post via Mecimapro social media.
  6. What payment methods can be used?
    • Payment method can be via bank transfer. Please pay attention to the payment instructions so that there are no omissions/errors in making the payment.
  7. Do you have to be a Member to purchase from Mecimashop?
    • No need, purchases via Mecimashop can be done by anyone who do not posses MCP Membership.
  8. When is the time for ticket redemption?
    • The ticket redemption schedule will be posted via Mecimapro’s social media account a maximum of 1 week before the event takes place.

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